
public call by Dragan Vikić to the Sarajevan citizens

Animated and edited by Nedim Alikadić for “Do you remember Sarajevo” 1992/2002, public call by Dragan Vikić to the Sarajevan citizens to film what happens. At the beginning of the siege, the legendary commander of the special police forces issued a call to citizens who owned video cameras to film everything happening around them, believing it was essential and would be of value in the future. He was right. Four persons have been convicted before the ICTY and the Mechanism for the crimes committed during the Siege of Sarajevo: Stanislav Galić (IT-98-29), Dragomir Milošević (IT-98-29/1), Radovan Karadžić (IT-95-5/18) and Ratko Mladić (IT-09-92).

Posted on: Fri, Aug 11, 2023
Category: History
Holding: Library Hamdija Kreševljaković Video Arhiv Sarajevo
Date: 1992
Collection: Do you remember Sarajevo, Film 2002
Author: Nedim Alikadić