In Prizren, the sense of unity in social life began to erode amidst the adverse political atmosphere from 1990, when Kosovo’s autonomy was revoked, until the war in 1999. Visual materials capturing everyday life practices during the 1990s, including the NATO intervention in 1999, are preserved in the Naci & Nafis Lokvica Collection, which is at the core of ARchipelago’s approach in Prizren.
Archival Holdings, Prizren
Naci & Nafis Lokvica Collection. Commencing in 1975, the collection of the Naci and Nafis Lokvica brothers documents rituals, cultural, and artistic activities during the 1990s. This collection provides a firsthand account of the war in 1999 and the tensions experienced in its aftermath. Alongside details of daily life, the collection encompasses the architectural transformations in Prizren, rituals, social events, and cultural activities, offering a comprehensive view of the city’s evolution.
Index: Collection/ Holding – Document type (V-Video, P-Photograph, G-Graphic, T-Text) – Location (B-Belgrade, M-Mostar, P-Prizren, S-Sarajevo) – Sequential number
Image credits: Entry of KAFOR troops in Prizren in 1999. Photo: Nafis Lokvica